Monday, June 15, 2009

So Much For The Religion Of Peace!

Pro-Government Forces Open Fire on Protesters in Iran - Government shuts down access to Internet and texting.

Government forces fired automatic weapons into thousands of pro-democracy protesters for a second day Thursday, and the military government said nine people were killed and 11 wounded.

Tens of thousands defied the ruling military junta's crackdown with a 10th straight day of demonstrations. Security forces also raided several monasteries overnight, beating monks and arresting more than 100, according to a monk at one monastery.


  1. Even if, as some are saying, the election was valid, this is a horrible way to treat your own citizenry.

    I saw you visited James and thought I'd stop by.

    I love the picture of the guy with his cup o' joe!

    Is it you?

  2. Ciao and Thanks for the add Pisan!@

    I'm also of Italian descent as my family from Italy has a town named after my furthest decendants called Felitto which is my last name

    Good luck,I added you to my blogroll and joined your new Google tribe as well.

    Thanks for your service and drop by from time to time..

  3. Mr. Italian guy,

    I just left a pleasant comment for Pam Hart on "Eric's Eyes" blog, and you posted something rude to me right under it. Why?

    I wasn't talking about or to you. I was answering a question Pam asked me.

    The Italian men in my family would call your behavior toward me in this instance "maleducato." Look it up.

    You also came by my blog today and left a comment calling me arrogant.

    I don't know who you are. I've never had a discussion with you.

    And yet you feel you must attack me on my own blog where I've said nothing about or to you?

    And YOU call ME arrogant?

    Che divirtiti!

  4. Hooray for state sponsored violence. And Obama wants to be buddies with this guy?

    Please consider following my blog:

  5. To Shaw Kenawe..
    "Mr. Italian guy" Humm, that was nice, would you like me to call you Hey "Black girl" No I wouldn't do that but if it's your style to use terms like that to me, go ahead.
    And YES, that's what I call "arrogant"!

    "You don't know who I am" I'm just a guy on the internet who wanted to express my opinion after reading BluePittbulls blog.

    Yes, I have been reading your "arrogant" comments at The Pitbulls blog so I followed the links and found you.
    Attacked you? No I just replied to your comments in general.

    If you want to use your translator here is my message to you in Italian.
    I won' la t prende c'è ne della vostra assurdità
    Have a good time with your translatot.

  6. Mr. Italiano guy,

    There is no insult in naming you that. Your blog, afterall, is called "Italiano's Thoughts" and you are a man, no? Where's the insult?

    And thanks for the compliment in thinking I'm black. We all are, in a way, aren't we, since human beings all came from Africa!

    But I happen to have blond hair and blue eyes, and both my parents were born in Italy.

    Your prejudiced assumptions about people based on nothing often will prove to be wrong.

  7. Great stuff ya got here my friend.

  8. BTW:...Shaw Kenawe said...

    Mr. Italiano guy,

    There is no insult in naming you that. Your blog, afterall, is called "Italiano's Thoughts" and you are a man, no? Where's the insult?

    I also took it as a insult...

  9. Shaw Kenawe said...
    "Mr. Italiano guy,
    " I happen to have blond hair and blue eyes, and both my parents were born in Italy."

    Yeah right, and if you believe that, you were born yesterday!

  10. Let me Amen this blog.. Thanks for the good work here.........

  11. Great blot and thank you for your service.
    We need more outspoken people like you.

  12. "So much for the religion of peace"..
    So much for Mambo Italiano!

  13. Hey, greaseball. Nice blog you got here. Keep up the good work.

  14. In order to keep slime buckets like "The Gray Headed Brother" Out of here so that this blog does not become contaminated with the like of him. I am keeping the comments opened only to SANE people. All other not need bother.
